- Glossary

(If this Glossary appears minimal, that's because it is still under construction. Thank you for your patience)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary. If the term you are looking for starts with a digit or symbol, choose the '#' link.

- A -


Aleihi-Salaam (or Aleiha-Salaam) - Peace upon him (or her)

After Hijra: the event of the Prophet's (S) migration from Makkah to Madina is known as Hijra and marks the beginning of the Islamic Calendar.

The One Creator is known in Arabic and in Islam as Allah. He is also known in other monotheistic religions as the Lord, God and Jehovah.
Ali ibn Abu Talib (A)

Ali (A) was the cousin of the Holy Prophet (S), the husband of his daughter Fatema (A), and the father of Hassan and Husein (referred to by the Prophet as "Masters of the Youths of Heaven"). The Prophet said of Ali, "Ali is to me what Haroon (Aaron) was to Musa (Moses)"

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- I -


Islam literally means submission (of one's self to the One Creator). Contrary to popular belief, Islam was not introduced by the Prophet Muhammad (S). Muhammad (S) was in fact the last prophet in a line of prophets - the first of whom was Prophet Adam (S).

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Muawiya was the son of Abu Sufyan (a steadfast enemy of the Prophet). He commenced civil war against the Caliphate of Ali ibn Abu Talib (A) and seized power after the death of Ali (A) proclaiming himself Caliph.

Muhammad (S) was the last prophet in a line of many prophets of Islam. He is commonly referred to by muslims as simply the Prophet and in the Holy Quran he is called the Seal of the Prophets. Other prophets mentioned in the Quran are Adam, Nuh (Noah), Musa (Moses), Dawood (David), Suleiman (Solomon), Isa (Jesus) - there are many more.

First month of the Islamic Calendar

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See Muhammad

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- S -


Swall-Allahu aleihi wa alihi Wa Sallam: May Allah bless him and his family and Peace

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- Y -


Yazid was son of Muawiya and grandson of Abu Sufyan. He was an open enemy of Islam and ordered the death of Husein (A), the grandson of the Prophet (S), and the massacre at Kerbala. The events at Kerbala stunned the muslim population at the time and led to the overthrow of Yazid.

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Revised: April 05, 2000.
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